Archive for the ‘Jónsi’ tag

Meeting Jónsi



Yesterday it happened. I’ve been invited to meet Jónsi, a man who plays and has played a huge role in placing Iceland on the musical map of the world. Without his band Sigur Rós, we would have not started this thing here. For us, it all started with watching Heima once too often and feeling the need to travel to Iceland and to see if this is all real and not photo shopped: the beauty of nature, this insane love for music and the overwhelming creative talent that seems to be given to every Icelander when born.

So, in preparation for my 15 minute-interview slot I wrote down lots and lots of questions. Five minutes before I left the house, I decided to throw them away. Instead of asking Jónsi all these questions, I told him that I blame him and his band for all the hassle we had in the last few months. Jónsi surely was confused by my message, than had a laugh and we went on talking about Icelandic bands, the not-so-easy way of Icelandic online communication and more stuff like that. Of course we also talked about his brilliant Solo-Album, but if you really want to know more about that, please see this massive transcript of Grapevine’s Haukur talking with Jónsi and Nico Muhly one night in Reykjavík.

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Written by Kai

Juni 1st, 2010 at 8:55 am

Posted in Allgemein

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