Archive for the ‘bad press’ tag

Iceland is dangerous

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Or not. Due to the ongoing airtraffic disruptions caused by the eruption of the volcano on the Eyjafjallajökull-glacier, the public image conveyed by the traditional press and TV is that of a nation who switched on a volcano to ground all flights in Europe because it can. As if there would be some kind of switch for a volcano. This does however have a significant influence on tourism in Iceland: for example, Icelandic airlines, Icelandair and Iceland Express, are looking at a 75 percent drop in bookings compared to what the situation usually is at this time of year.

But as we here at Sonic Iceland are declared fans of Iceland (ha!), we have now started our own PR-campaign to help Iceland: Only stupid people think Iceland is a dangerous place.

This is our call to all arms for all Icelanders and friends of Iceland. Please head over to our new group on Facebook and post a picture of Iceland that shows how nice and well everything is there in reality. There is no dangerous hot ash or pyroclastic flows around the Blue Lagoon, Iceland is “just” an island full of nice people and breathtaking scenery north of Scotland. Spread the word.

Photocredit: Hekla

Written by marcel

Mai 6th, 2010 at 9:24 pm

Posted in Allgemein

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